Van Rooys - Boerbokke - Savanna Bokke - Kalahari Red Van Rooys - Boerbokke - Savanna Bokke - Kalahari Red
Van Rooys - Boerbokke - Savanna Bokke - Kalahari Red



Judged all Savanna Championships from the first Savanna show in South Africa up to 2007.
Each year that animals from this stud took part in the show, one of the stud's buck or it's offspring won the World Champion Ram title
1993 -  Bought first doe's from DSU Cilliers and Sons (Douglas)
2003 -  World Reserve Senior Champion buck - Reserve
2003 -  Achieved the most points at the World Shows up to 2010
2004 - (Bloemfontein)
2004   -  World Junior and Reserve Grand Champion Buck
2004 -  World Champion group of 3 Doe's
2004   -  World Champion group: Buck, Doe and 2 lambs (buck and doe lamb)
2005 -  World Champion Buck - Reserve
2006 - (Worchester)
2006  -  Senior and Grand Champion Doe
2006   -  Senior and Grand Champion Buck
2006   -  Junior and Reserve Grand Champion Buck
2006 - (Upington)
2006  -  World Senior and Grand Champion Buck
2006   -  World Junior and Reserve Grand Champion Buck
2008 -  World Senior and Grand Champion Buck - Samoosa (Tena's mother’s  twin brother, see 2009 Champs)
2008   -  World 8 Tooth Champion Buck - Samoosa (Tena's mothers twin brother)
2008 - World Junior and Reserve Grand Champion - OB
2009 -  Northen Cape Senior and Grand Champion Doe - Tena's mother (Samoosa's twin sister)
2009 -  World Senior and Grand Champion Doe - Tena’s mother (Samoosa’s  twin sister)
2009 - Northen Cape and Grand Champion Buck - Tena
2009 - World Junior and Grand Champion Buck - Tena
2009 - First time in history that a doe and her buck lamb become the Northern Cape and World Champions
2009 - Most points and the breeder of Champions
2010 - Present all twelve World Champions
2010 - Most points and the breeder of Champions
2010 - Participated in last World Show
2011 - Savanna Club Championships (Griekwastad)
2011 - Most exhibitors and goats ever showed
2011 - 10 of the 12 Club Champions are bred and presented
2011 - Grand Champion buck and doe are presented
2011 - Reserve Grand Champion buck and doe are presented
2004 - World Champion
Group of 3 Doe's
  2004 - Worlds Junior
en Resere Grand
Champion buck
  2004 - World
Champion Group: Ram,
Buck, Doe and 2 lambs (buck and doe lamb)
2006 - World
Senior and Grand Champion Buck
  2006 - Senior and
Grand Champion buck.
Junior and Reserve
Grand Champion Buck
  2006 - World Junior
en Reserve Grand
Champion Buck
Savanna Club Championships 2011 - Senior and Grand Champion Doe (Mother of Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Grootkampioen)   Savanna Club Championships 2011 - Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Doe (Daughter of Senior and Grand Champion Doe)   Savanna Club Championships 2011 - Junior and Grand Champion Buck Kena   Savanna Club Championships 2011 - Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Buck
  Breeding Buck Reserve  

2008 - World Champion
Buck (Tena's Mother's  
twinbrother) Samoosa

  2008 - World Junior
and Reserve Grand
Champion OB
Show Doe   Show Doe's
Lamb   Twin lambs