Koenie Kotzé farms with the following breeds:
Trade and farming takes place on Swemkuil in the Northern Cape, South Africa (see map): |
- We obtain the best genetic material available to provide the best breeding stock for the market. We strive to be a successful, profitable, and an ever-growing business.
- To give our clients breeding animals, embryos and seed that will increase ther profits.
- To add value to our clients by being able to give them breeding animals of the highest quality and by giving advice with regards to breeding, artificial insemination, embryos, etc.
- To make a lifelong friend out of every client we meet by doing business with integrity.
Photos and information on koeniekotze.co.za is for personal use, for the advertiser Koenie Kotzé, only. Any person who does not own a descendant of these animals may not use any of these photo's or information without the expliat consent of Mr. Kotze. |