Van Rooys - Boerbokke - Savanna Bokke - Kalahari Red Van Rooys - Boerbokke - Savanna Bokke - Kalahari Red
Van Rooys - Boerbokke - Savanna Bokke - Kalahari Red



1980 - Bought first does from Apie Maritz (Coné), Lukas Burger, Nico Botha and bucks from Apie Maritz, Herman Groenewald and Theuns Botha.
1990 -  SA Junior and Reserve Grand Champion buck - Vosburg  (Kuruman)
2002 -  Judge World Boergoat Championships (Victoria-Wes)
2002 -  World Reserve Junior Champion bred from a JLK Kotze doe
2002 -  Judge the Australian Championships (Sydney)
2002 -  Share in Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Buck - Juweel
2002 -  Reserve Junior Champion Buck - Kaptein - bred from a doe from this stud
2003 -  Northern Cape Champion doe was bred in this stud (Upington)
2003 -  Judge American Boergoat Championships
2005 -  Judge World Boergoat Championships (Upington)
2007 -  Judge World Boergoat Championships (Upington)
2007 -  Judge Namibian Championships (Windhoek)
2007 -  World Champion Buck - Magnum - bred from the same doe as Kaptein (2002 Reserve Junior Champion Buck)
2007 -  Bought the most expensive buck at National Auction (Kimberley)
2011 -  Judge Namibian Championships (Windhoek)
Okapi (Kaptein seun)
Barrabas   Barrabas   Barrabas
CT, Goeie Teelram
'n seun van Champ (Braam Maritz),
uit 'n Popeye ma
Teelram Kaptein
Moeder: Inklimmer Ooi   Dogter: van Inklimmer Ooi
by Kaptein
  Dogter van Kaptein en
Skou ooi   Noord-Kaap Kampioen met 'n
wêreld agt tand dogter
2007 - Duurste ram nasionale veiling   2007 - Duurste ram nasionale veiling   Bridgestone